General Assembly #05 – June 2022

The fifth General Assembly was held in June 2022, and hosted by Elektro Celje in Slovenia. All partners assembled for two days in Rogaška Slatina to review progress in all work packages as well as to discuss current and future issues. During the meeting partners took advantage of the opportunity to meet face-to-face, as this has been difficult throughout the project period. Until now, only three meetings have been possible in a live mode due to COVID restrictions and partners were able to use this time to catch up on issues that needed in-depth discussion. The schedule was packed with several sessions where partners presented results, discussions were held, and workshops were arranged to gather necessary inputs for the next steps. Upon leaving the General assembly, partners felt energised by the fantastic scenery and hospitality of the Slovenian countryside as well as the fruitful meetings with colleagues from across Europe and beyond.